For over 20 years our clothing and accessory brand KAMENA (formerly PLASTIC you can still call me that if you want) has been giving back to our market base by sponsoring the events and athletes that buy and use our gear. It’s all wrapped up in the BUY LOCAL idea.
We have always followed the home grown recipe of GRASSROOTS MARKETING. We start at the base of the activities and lifestyles that define the style and function of what we create. That means getting prizes to events and players. The way we do that is by either DONATING or selling packages of goods at a BIG DISCOUNT to the organizers of these events. Some of the sports that we love and support are BEACH and GRASS VOLLEYBALL, STAND UP PADDLING, PICKLEBALL, and BEACH BOOT CAMPS.
By working within these groups, the sales we make are constantly put back in to that sport. Its a good way to Loop it back to that community and it happens naturally with a smaller company (China manufacturing does not work in this way). Keep it LOCAL! #giveitbackloop
If you are an organizer of one of these activities, lets talk about getting some prizes in your hands and out to your players. EMAIL me here lets talk! #giveitbackloop